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Interceptor Wing Bottoms

Underneath the wings shows even more details. Too often the bottom of the wings are ignored, but not here. I like how the launch lugs almost appear to be a feature of the imaginary "actual" aircraft. I read on here about some plastic wing pods breaking off at the glue joint. Since there is plenty of glue area inside the pods, I attached the inside halfs before gluing on the outer halfs. I used plastic glue like recommended, but left 2/3 of the glue-able area where I glued 1/3 of it using wood glue on the wings. The last 1/3 of glue area I used epoxy, and covered over the plastic and wood glue too. One of those three glues should hold them on there! The exterior fillets where the wings meet the pods were also glued with epoxy, then Elmer's filler and sanded smooth. If you do it that way, make sure you clamp the plastic halfs tight after gluing to prevent gaps in the plastic pods. I had small gaps that I filled with green plastic puty.