Rocket Dungeon: A new approach to finless (2014-08-15)
A few days ago, one Dean Black posted a unique finless design on Facebook (members can join the NAR group and look for Dean's name). He describes the design as "induction stabilized." He also has a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Inductor, the build, part 1 (2014-08-20)
I proceeded to build my finless, induction stabilized rocket, the Inductor . The phenolic liner from a Loki 75mm motor is the perfect size to accept 12oz aluminum soda cans...just a tad ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Guidelines for an induction stabilized rocket (2014-08-22)
Dean Black put together this nice diagram describing the design of an induction stabilized rocket of constant diameter. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. It appears that I can shake ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: I'm still here (2014-09-04)
Can't believe it's been a week since my last post. My only project has involved the off-label use of an damaged AeroTech 29/40-120 case. I have been debating whether I should post about it but have ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V SA-666, from the top down (2015-07-05)
Well, after seeing Daddyisabar's post on his attempt at an induction stabilized rocket, the gears started turning. Unfortunately, the belts were also slipping a bit so this crazy rocket is what ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V, SA-666 - further thoughts (2015-07-06)
I have actually been thinking about building another version of this thing. IF I do... I'll print the wraps at about 105% so the main body wraps fit a 3" mailing tube, with no tube sectioning. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V, SA-667 (2015-07-07)
This is a another post regarding the next-gen gas-stabilized(?) Saturn V, now designated the SA-667. The name is not as evil as the original, but what's in a name? I grabbed a 3" mailing tube from ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V, SA-666 rework (2015-07-17)
As I was pondering what to do with the SA-666's successor, I went back to read some of Dean Black's write-ups. I don't remember seeing this in his Apogee Newsletter article but I find that, while an ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V, SA-667 beginning (2015-07-19)
Overall, I still haven't decided what this thing will become, but I have started on parts of it. I have the upper body and have started on the motor mount. And I have the nose cone completed. To ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V, SA-667 continued (2015-07-20)
The top section of this model is basically complete, less recovery system (cord and 'chute). I could add a wrap to the bottom couple of inches, but I'm not sure how it will all hook together so I'll ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Video of the induction-stabilized Inductor (2015-08-02)
Looks like it is stable under boost but goes unstable during coast (and possibly the tail end of the burn). So, these things will work if you have enough mass flow and dial in the rocket design ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2015-7 (NARHAMS) (2015-08-15)
Location: NARHAMS, Mt. Airy Weather: sunny, low 90's, wind 0-3? Total flights: Today - 11; YTD - 53 Total motors: Today - 11; YTD - 57 Motors by class YTD: MMX-2; B-3; C-15; D-4; E-11; F-14; G-7; ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V, SA-667 building status (2015-08-19)
I resumed construction of the next-gen Gas Dynamic Stabilized (GDS), aka Induction Stabilized, Saturn V. I had started top down and now continued from the bottom up. Hopefully these sections will ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V, SA-667 craziness (2015-08-22)
I received the aluminum water bottle whose neck was supposed to form the bellmouth section of my augmenter tube. And, after some hacksaw work, I had a bellmouth. Here it is dry fit to the lower body ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturn V, SA-667 - final touches (2015-08-25)
Well, it's done. I epoxied the bellmouth onto the lower body with JB Weld and attached the augmenter tube assembly with three small screws. The bottom of the augmenter tube assembly is at the top of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Clearing up the confusion...but not my lack of knowledge (2015-09-04)
TRF member aerosadt, an actual aerospace engineer, picked up on my Saturn V, SA-667 posts and pointed out my potential confusion between thrust augmentation and gas-dynamic stabilization. I am not ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Coleoptere/Stovepipe ring fin material acquired (2015-09-17)
Today, I visited Hobby Lobby to acquire the A10-3 motors required for my MIRV flight. I also wanted to see what I could dig up to use as a ring fin. Well, I vaguely remembered seeing cardboard boxes ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Harumph! (2015-09-18)
I lopped the top off my paper mache round box and then hit a wall. I didn't think about the weight of the box when I bought it. Before cutting up my Super Alpha fins, I plugged the size and mass ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2015-9 (NARHAMS) (2015-09-26)
Location: NARHAMS, Mt. Airy Weather: 70's, 10+/- mph, cloudy Total flights: Today - 7; YTD - 65 Total motors: Today - 7; YTD - 76 Motors by class YTD: MMX-2; A-4; B-4; C-21; D-6; E-11; F-19; G-7; ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: First impressions are often WRONG (2015-09-27)
After I recovered my Saturn V SA-666 from its month-long vacation in the trees, I gave it a quick once over. It was faded, a few wraps were warped, the ejection tube and nose section's shoulder were ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Not-a-MIRV (2015-10-04)
I'll preface this post by noting that the Coleoptere/Stovepipe / Coccinellida build has officially stalled. It will be on the back burner until I run across another ring tail option. My latest ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The Dungeon's Top Ten of 2015 (2015-12-20)
1. The ekranoplan " Chesapeake Sea Monster " is completed, passes a swing test, but holes up for the winter. Flight attempt expected in the spring, possibly at Red Glare. 2. The Fett Boy is ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Ram Air Induction Stabilized rockets (2016-01-25)
This is a new class of finless rockets being pioneered by Ken ECoyote on TRF . The short one was stable, the middle wobbled and the bottom skywrote. All-in-all, a successful first experiment. I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Quick status and boring (2016-06-08)
Well, after 6 months of inactivity, I finally built something! With a hat tip to TRF member KenECoyote, I got to do a beta-test build of a ducted, finless rocket. The design is rated Cosmic Top ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: More finless thoughts (2016-11-27)
I entered the finless Apollo Command Service Module and actually deluded myself that there was some value other than a pre-build visual description. After my previous post, I realized there is ... [Read More]
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