Rocketry Videos

By Illinois Space Society

Hybrid Rocket Engine Test 1 (2016-09-16)
Illinois Space Society Hybrid Rocket Engine Hot Fire Test 1 4/17/16 Partial Ignition at 9:05 [View]

Hybrid Rocket Engine Test 3 (2016-10-10)
Illinois Space Society Hybrid Rocket Engine Hot Fire Test 1 10/09/16 Full Ignition [View]

Illinois Space Day Hybrid Rocket Engine Demo 2015 (2016-09-12)
Illinois Space Society University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois Space Day Hybrid Rocket Engine Demonstration 2015 [View]

Illinois Space Society AGSE Test Video (2016-09-16)
Illinois Space Society University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Flight Readiness Review Testing of the Autonomous Ground Support Equipment (AGSE) March 14th, 2016 [View]

ISS 2017-18 MWHPR Space Grant Launch 2 (2018-07-28)
This is the ISS 2017-2018 Space Grant Team flying their rocket, Exocoetidae. It appears to be the second launch of the day. During this flight the rocket actively tried to control its roll ... [View]

ISS Space Grant 2017-18 Competition On-board (2018-05-23)
This is the flight of the Exocoetidae ("Flying Fish") at the 2018 Midwest High Power Rocketry Competition. The all-freshman, Space Grant-backed team from Illinois Space Society had to implement roll ... [View]

NASA Student Launch Main Parachute Ejection Charge Test 2015-2016 (2016-09-12)
Illinois Space Society NASA Student Launch Competition 2015-2016 Main Parachute Ejection Charge Test [View]

SA Cup Launch (2023-08-18)
On June 21st, the Illinois Space Society (ISS) large rocketry team, Spaceshot, successfully launched their Spaceport America Cup competition rocket: Intrepid III for the third time in the academic ... [View]

Student launch AGSE (2015-05-02)
Illinois Space Society NASA student launch competition in Huntsville, Alabama on 4/11/2015 The autonomous ground support equipment (AGSE), aka the wombat, autonomously picked up a payload from the ... [View]

Student Launch Full Scale Test Flight 2015-2016 (2016-09-12)
Illinois Space Society University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign NASA Student Launch Competition 2015-2016 Full Scale Test Flight [View]

Student launch rocket (2015-05-02)
Illinois Space Society NASA student launch competition in Huntsville, Alabama 4/11/15 The rocket, aka the Albatross, was designed to achieve an exact altitude of 3000 feet. [View]

Videos by Illinois Space Society at YouTube