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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Editorials / Humor

    Appropriate Red & Rover Strip (2018-02-07)
    On YORF, Bernard Cawley found this comic strip: Boy, that about sizes up how we felt launching BT-20 and BT-50 models in 1969! Caught up in the excitement of the Space Race - We thought (in a small ... [Read More]

    New Estes "Out Of Site" Rocket (2018-09-09)
    I think they mean "Out Of Sight" flights. It's not "So Much Fun" when a rocket leaves the launch site. This new two-stager is on the Estes New Products page. [Read More]

    Holy Rocket, Batman! (2018-10-16)
    Stan Huls posted on the NAR Facebook page: "So, I was sanding out some imperfections on my Nike X when I may have received some sort of Divine message. As I worked on the area just below the nose ... [Read More]

    You're a Model What? (2018-12-08)
    I did a search for the Estes Nose Cone Reference to find some lengths of the BNC-50Y and BNC-20B. Of course, a link to the Estes website came up: Enlarge to read -  I guess a "Model" ... [Read More]

    I'm a Rockateer - I mean Rocketeer! (2019-01-07)
    Boy, does Estes need a proof reader. We all make spelling mistakes! Seen on the Estes website home page January 6, 2019. [Read More]

    So It Is "Rocketeer" (2019-01-09)
    Do you think Estes reads this blog? Correction made! [Read More]

    Model Rockets? . . . I Don't think So - (2019-01-24)
    These were listed on Ebay as: "Pair of Vintage Model Rocket yellow plastic bodies w/ multi color tassels USA" I don't think so! These are bicycle handle bar grips.  Sure they might have ... [Read More]

    Old Rocketeer Rant - Part 1 (2019-09-23)
      Heck, when I was a boy -  Did you have LASER CUT parts? What's that? We had to cut out and trace a pattern, then cut out fins with a dull X-Acto blade. ENGINE HOOKS? We friction ... [Read More]

    Old Rocketeer Rant - Part 2 (2019-09-24)
    "Listen up kid - you might learn somethin' . . ." RIP-STOP NYLON? Why, back in my day we made chutes from garbage bags. "Para-Wad" . . . yeah, that's what we called 'em. EJECTION BAFFLES? Think ... [Read More]

    Quote Of The Day! (2019-12-09)
    From Facebook - Eric Specht ‎   National Association of Rocketry "Am I the only one who thinks it's funny that modelers spend tons of cash upscaling Estes ... [Read More]

    Who Is Hoarding Toilet Paper? (2020-03-16)
    If you run out -  Once in an emergency I used this treated toilet paper for it's original intended purpose. If you use recovery wadding for toilet paper you won't get super powers - but for ... [Read More]