Rocketry Product: Estes - Hex 3 {Kit} (7263) [2017-]
Thrifty Rocketeer: Hex-3 Build thread-- Part 1: Another motor mount! (2019-12-09)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... This is going to be a shorter build blog thread, as the Hex-3 is basically a paper launch platform that assembles quickly and appears to be Estes version of a ... [Read More]
Thrifty Rocketeer: Hex-3 Build-- Part 2: Folding Paper (2019-12-10)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... This is the second part of a simple build thread for the Hex-3... an alternative rocket kit that is more of a platform lifter with tumble recovery. The skill ... [Read More]
Thrifty Rocketeer: Hex-3 Build Blog-- Part 3: It all comes together (2019-12-11)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... This is the final installment in a simple card stock build for a platform lifter with tumble recovery from Estes. Now that the three girder legs were folded and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! Schoolyard Soccer Field, February 16, 2020 (2020-02-17)As close to perfect as the Soccer field gets! Cool weather at 7:00 a.m. and no wind. Sometimes it's surprising what you see this early in the day. Hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of Pelicans ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch - Schoolyard Soccer Field, Jan 12, 2021 (2021-01-12)This is the Florida weather you wait for all year. Cold, clear with no morning wind. I get to try out the new copper micro clips and heavy duty blast deflector. I have two new small field ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Hex-3, #7263, Build, Part 1, Parts (2021-03-05)This was one kit I didn't pick up in the recent Cyber Monday sale. I was tempted. I actually won this kit at a drawing at the December L.A.S.E.R. club launch. I thought it would be a good blog ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Hex-3, #7263, Build, Part 2, Engine Mount (2021-03-06)I like to sand the centering ring ends flat. From the manufacturer, the edges are cut at a slight angle. TIP: If you ever build a kit where the rear centering ring is seen, even with the end ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Hex-3, #7263, Build, Part 3, Scoring The Fins (2021-03-07)The instructions say to fold the fin lines over a straight edge. I don't see how this could be successful unless you have a very thick straightedge. You'll get much cleaner folds if you pre-emboss ... [Read More]