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Rocketeer's Corner

Rocketeer's Corner Posts

Sport Rocketry / Contests / Helicopter Duration

    Second time around... (2018-07-08)
    My 30+ year old competition rockets (Click to enlarge) During the first 25 years or so of model rocketry, the elite rocketeer was not one who had completed a level 3 ... [Read More]

    A virtual NARAM - sort of... (2020-06-29)
    The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) is adapting as best it can to the pandemic. This year, the national contest - NARAM 62 - will not be held in Geneseo, New York as planned. Instead, NAR ... [Read More]

    Sunday afternoon launch (2022-02-10)
    Girl scouts watch as the rocket they prepped heads skyward (Click to enlarge) . The John Paul II TARC teams had scheduled a TARC practice for this past Sunday, which provided a perfect excuse for ... [Read More]