Rocketry Videos

Videos / Motors / Aerotech / H123

 Rocketry Product: Aerotech - H123W Reload for RMS 38/240 {Motor}

"Lazy 8" high power rocket video on H123 (2010-09-26)
Onboard video from a high power rocket flown near Elk River, MN on an H123 motor. [View]
L1 Certification attempt (2011-05-15)
A brief video of my first L1 cert attempt. A PML Io on an Aerotech H123W. A beautiful flight up and down. Sadly, the nosecone ring failed and detached. Recovered it all and look forward to my next ... [View]
NAR L1 Cert Flight (2011-05-17)
A brief video of my first L1 cert attempt. A PML Io on an Aerotech H123W. A beautiful flight up and down. Sadly, the nosecone ring failed and detached. Recovered it all and look forward to my next ... [View]
Rocket Launch (2006-10-21)
my dad filmed this video of my X-calibur rocket launched on a H123 Motor [View]
Public Missiles Intruder NAR Level 1 Certification (2008-03-20)
Launch of a High Power Public Missiles Intruder on a Level 1 NAR Certification Flight. [View]
High Power Rocket Fail (2011-01-10)
A teen attempts his Junior Level 1 High Power Rocketry Certification on a Loc IV with a H-123-W motor to 2,000 feet at Snow Ranch, California on 1/8/11. The nose cone and parachute separated from ... [View]
3" Goblin Rocket on an Aerotech H123 (2010-10-12)
My 3" Goblin Rocket on an Aerotech H123 soared to 1961 feet with a down facing camera. You'll see the parachute come around the rocket and get hung up on the back of the motor and burn a hole in it. [View]
High Power Rocket Spools (2013-01-13)
2 discarded wire spools drag race on Aerotech H123 White Lightning motors @ MDRA 01-12-13 [View]
Bill Gack Jr Black Brant II H123 L1 (2020-08-20)
Cool Flight of Bill Gack Jr. Black Brant II on an H-123 for his L1 From LDRS 31 DVD [View]
Comanche 3 Upscale 2.5" Onboard (2019-08-07)
Comanche 3 upscale onboard video. Flown 8/2/2019 at NARAM 61 sport range. Academy of Model Aeronautics site. Motors: Aerotech H123 to CTI G68 to CTI G68. [View]
June 2021 Sonny and Nicholas Sparkly Spool (2021-06-19)
Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association's Eastern Short Launch (ESL) hobby rocket flight. Please see for more information. Come and join us at the field. [View]
Madcow Rocketry Torrent Launch AT H123 & I161 (2016-04-24)
Launched with Tripoli Mid-Ohio on 4/23/16 [View]
PAVEL 3 (Wildman Darkstar Jr) at Dyer Park 082917 (2017-07-30)
flight to 1545' with Aerotech H123W and Chute Release set at 300' [View]
Scratch built 38mm cluster with 3 x H123W (2013-03-10)
Matt Barton's scratch built 38mm cluster looked fantastic at Queensland Rocketry Society's March 2013 public launch [View]