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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Gyroc

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Gyroc {Kit} (24) [1965-1983]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 1, Parts (2013-12-18)
    Here's a build by request, the Estes Gyroc, # K-24 I received my first Gyroc as a Free Kit for placing a $5.00 Estes order. Wayne Hill's Rocketry Blog gave some history: http://rocketry. ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 2, Cutting the Parts (2013-12-19)
    The Fins (2) Flaps (2) and Rudders (4) were cut from 1/16" balsa stock. This was old school, tracing around the templates on the balsa with a pencil. All were cut out with a sharp blade and ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 3, Hinge Cutting and Prep (2013-12-20)
    The tape hinge material is "pressure sensitive" paper. It's just sticky paper with a removable backing. I'll cut them from the left over borders from a CD label. Some extras were cut, I always ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 4, Balsa Truing and Filling (2013-12-21)
    After gang sanding the like parts the root and outside edges didn't match up. The fin set on the left is before sanding and evening up the sides. On the right is the large fin pieces, taped ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 5, Nose Cone and Lug Prep (2013-12-22)
    The nose cone and body tube joint were already filled with CWF. The nose cone is rounded and blunt for a good reason, the rocket lands nose first. The nose cone was toughened up with a coat of ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 6, Wing Hinges (2013-12-22)
    Tape the two halves of the wing together. Line up the root edges on a straightedge. The two wings flip in opposite directions, but tape both wings facing the same way. When the wings are set on ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 7, Gluing the Flip-Flap (2013-12-23)
    Things get vague in Step 6 of the old Estes instructions. They don't specify how far up to glue the "flip-flap". (Really, they called it a flip-flap!) You've got to allow for the friction tab and ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 8, Gluing the Rudders (2013-12-24)
      When setting the rudders, raise the flap to be sure it makes contact on the trailing edge of the rudder. Again, don't use much glue. Lightly tack the rudder in place, you'll probably be ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 9, Hold Down Tabs (2013-12-24)
    Whoops! I primered the model before gluing on the hold down tabs! This is right up there with forgetting the launch lugs and not noticing until you go to slide the rocket down the rod. The ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 10, Paint and Decals (2013-12-25)
    Here's the Gyroc after the first white undercoat. This is a tough model to spray and even harder to sand smooth. There is just too many inside angles to cover! On the left shows after wet sanding ... [Read More]

    Gyroc Part 7 Post Corrections! (2013-12-26)
    There was reasons I had trouble with the Gyroc flaps! My Gyroc flaps needed trimming to clear the body tube when flipped. I'm the type that follows instructions. Didn't G. Harry Stine say: "When all ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Build Part 11, Elastic (2013-12-26)
    After this step I remembered having the same problems with my first Gyroc build in the 1970s. There was a lot of tweaking to get the elastic to fully pull the flap against the rudder fin stops. ... [Read More]

    Estes Gyroc Finished (2013-12-27)
      This build was a bit frustrating but brought back a lot of memories. The elastic tie positions from the Estes instructions didn't give enough pull so they had to be moved. Look close ... [Read More]

    The BIG Fix, Gyroc Elastic, Part 1 (2018-02-02)
    Semroc (ERockets.biz) has brought back the Estes Gyroc. The reissue kit has a 13mm engine mount with streamer attached. The big change is replaceable elastic on the fin flaps. Balsa Machining ... [Read More]

    The BIG Fix, Gyroc Elastic, Part 2 (2018-02-03)
    The elastic is double knotted on one end. Feed the elastic through the wing flap from the underside until the knot rests against the flap. Slide the open end through the rudder notch. When the flap ... [Read More]

    Launch! Schoolyard, November 25, 2018 (2018-11-26)
    I haven't had a Schoolyard Soccer field launch since last June. The weather is finally cooling down to make chasing rockets comfortable. While many think more power is better, small fields and small ... [Read More]

    Launch! Schoolyard Soccer Field, September 29, 2019 (2019-09-30)
    I didn't get to the NEFAR launch yesterday, next month should be a lot cooler. Off to the schoolyard about 7:30 a.m. before the wind kicks up. I was trying a faster shutter speed at 3,200 of a ... [Read More]

    TAZZ / Gyroc Decal Available (2020-07-26)
    If you'd like your Estes TAZZ to look more like the original Gyroc design, a home print decal PDF is now available! The vertical bar roll pattern fits around the BT-50 body tube. There are plenty ... [Read More]