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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

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    Shaping Tool TIP (2010-11-29)
    Here's one of the best balsa shaping tools available. I first used an emery board in the 1970s when forming airfoils on the Estes V-2 fins. In the instructions, it was suggested for fin shaping. ... [Read More]

    Dr. Zooch SLS Build Part 22 LAS Nozzles (2012-03-17)
    The small LAS nozzles are actually cut from the back end of fancy toothpicks. These are small, and could be easily lost. Keep them in the bag! I've already dipped them twice in varnish, wiped off ... [Read More]

    Estes V2 Build Part 24 White Spray and Sand (2012-08-20)
    After the first white color coat, I had to go back and wet sand with 400 grit. The picture shows how much sanding was done, in some places down to the grey primer. It's hard to ... [Read More]