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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Gauchito

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Gauchito {Kit} (809) [2004-2008]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Background (2019-05-06)
    Here's another one of the X Prize kits, the Gauchito. This entry was from Pablo de Leon & Associates from Argentina. Gauchito means "Little Cowboy." The package face card says "Little Joe II ... [Read More]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Part 1, Parts (2019-05-07)
    Parts is parts! This is a little more than a 4FNC model. Parts are good, but I'll be upgrading some things. Lonnie B. told me the main module tube.tube is a BT-58, the same diameter as the 1/100 ... [Read More]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Part 2, Finger Tab Removal (2019-05-08)
    I like my models to stand up straight on it's fin tips! Do you really need that finger tab? "Score" the break point with wire cutters. Don't expect to cut through the engine hook with the wire ... [Read More]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Part 3, Engine Mount Prep (2019-05-09)
    On the left is the motor mount tube supplied in the kit. The seam gaps were wide and the tube felt weak. I cut a new BT-5 tube to substitute. The Mylar engine hook hold down ring had some cut burrs ... [Read More]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Part 5, Nose Cone Fit, Tube End Strengthening (2019-05-10)
    The plastic nose cone base was glued in place with my standby glue - Beacon Fabri-tac. The fabric glue contains acetone and does a good job with some plastic to plastic and plastic to Kraft tube ... [Read More]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Part 6, Engine Mount Gluing & Fin Marking (2019-05-11)
    The die-cut centering rings required some sanding for a friction fit. On the right is a dry fit of the engine mount, the rear ring will end up 5/8" inside the tube. Shorter, stubby models sometimes ... [Read More]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Part 7, Nozzles & Paint (2019-05-12)
    The four nozzles were sprayed metallic silver on both sides. Before gluing on the nozzle plate, the paint was scraped off using the backside of my knife blade. TIP: The fit of the nozzle plate was ... [Read More]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Part 8, Stickers! (2019-05-13)
    On the left is the die-cut sticker outline. Why not just cut it out on the color edges? You won't notice the clear areas as much. On the right are the corner tics for a tight border cut. A strip of ... [Read More]

    Estes Gauchito Build #1279 OOP, Finished (2019-05-14)
    This was a easy standard build with a little history. Once in a while it's nice to build a simpler model without any frustrating masking. The big surprise was the Rustoleum Copper spray paint. This ... [Read More]