DTH Rocket Blog Posts
About DTH Rocket Endeavors (2008-02-26)DTH Rocket Endeavors started with one individual (me) who looked to the skies. Up in that big, blue expanse the Lord's wonders were displayed, which put a fascination for it in me. "The heavens ... [Read More]
50 Things I Do When I'm Bored (2009-10-09)Try to design a rocket on RockSim to break 100,000 ft using K motors Make up polynomials and then factor them Eat a bowl of cereal Try to find shortcuts to evaluate the nth ... [Read More]
A Quote (2010-06-08)"Often, it pays to bridge the apparent gulf between two seemingly unrelated fields of human endeavor." -G. Harry Stine, Handbook of Model Rocketry [Read More]