Rocketry Videos

Videos / Kits / SBR / Fusion
SBR Fusion K185 Mini Midwest Power (2020-05-24)
Fusion on an Aerotech K185 to 6868’ 5-24-20 QCRC [View]
SBR Fusion Level 2!! Mini Midwest Power QCRC (2020-05-23)
My Fusion on an Aerotech J250FJ to 3815’. Successful Tripoli Level Two flight! Mini Midwest Power Rocket launch QCRC [View]
SBR Fusion onboard video CTI I125 at LDRS 38 (2019-09-03)
At Kloudbusters Rocket Pasture near Argonia Kansas on September 1, 2019 [View]
vNARCON 2022 - Level 1 Rocket Build Session (2022-05-04)
vNARCON 2022 - Level 1 Rocket Build Session. Presented by James Cramton. In this Level 1 Certification Build session, James leads attendees through construction and pre-flight planning for a Level 1 ... [View]