Components / Electronics / Parachute Releases / Jolly Logic Chute Release
Flight of the Estes Leviathan with the 4K Sports Camera
4K sports camera in a 3D printed spacecraft. This is an Estes Leviathan on an Aerotech DMS I205, flying to approximately a half mile. (DETAILS IN THE LINKS BELOW). The delay is drilled to 10 seconds. A Jolly Logic Chute Release is used here to allow the rocket to tumble after the original ejection at apogee down to 400 feet, when the parachute is opened. Southern Arizona Rocketry Association Volunteers Launch, March 23rd 2019. Thanks again to SARA for the opportunity to enjoy a great day flying rockets! Sequel to the Prequel: Preview:

 Rocketry Product: Jolly Logic - Chute Release {Component}

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Leviathan {Kit} (9700) [2012-2017]

 Rocketry Club: Southern Arizona Rocketry Association

Author ShotokuTech
Duration 214 seconds

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