Rocketry Videos

By Eye Doc Marshall

April 20 El Dude (2019-04-23)
April 20, 2019. 2-stage test flight of El Dude. 75mm L1720 to an EX 38mm I250. Nominal flight and recovery. Next up is LDRS on bigger motors. [View]

LDRS 2019 2 stage rocket, alternate view. (2020-05-16)
Thanks to ChuckH, an alternate view of my LDRS flight. LDRS 38 in Argonia KS. 2 Stage flight to +28k’ Booster CTI M1540 IMax Stratologger CF and EggFinder TX GPS 66” Spherechute main ... [View]

LDRS 38 Argonia Kansas 2 stage rocket flight to 28,545'. (2019-09-04)
LDRS 38 in Argonia KS. 2 Stage flight. Booster CTI M1540 IMax Stratologger CF and EggFinder TX GPS 66” Spherechute main with Jollylogic Chute Release set at 1000’ with 24” drogue. ... [View]

Videos by Eye Doc Marshall at YouTube