DTH Rocket Endeavors Blog

DTH Rocket Blog Posts

Sport Rocketry / Motors and Igniters / Motors / Experimental

    A Ladder to Space (2008-05-18)
    A whatta to wha? What do I mean by a ladder to space? Am I going to try to build the World’s Largest Structure Ever Conceived by Man? DTH Rocket Endeavors’ Ladder to Space – noun: ... [Read More]

    Happy News for Rocket People (2009-03-18)
    There's some big news going around in the rocket community (I've heard this from about five different sources now). The rocketry associations NAR and TRA have been waging a legal battle against the ... [Read More]

    Experimental Photography (2010-08-25)
    Another thing I do when I'm bored: [Read More]

    Internship at XCOR! (2011-11-29)
    I had a very interesting Thanksgiving break. During the first couple of days I was contacted via email about a possible internship at XCOR Aerospace. I called the next day and learned about what it ... [Read More]

    Rockoon Update (2012-11-28)
    Our final project for the semester is to assemble our design into a very large poster (it's like four feet wide). I'd like to share it with you! But instead of just posting a little picture of it, ... [Read More]