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Rocketeer's Corner

Rocketeer's Corner Posts

Sport Rocketry / History / Estes / Estes Aerospace Club

    Picking up where I left off... (2021-02-27)
    Back in the 70's, a lot of young rocketeers were members of the Estes Aerospace Club (EAC - see this post for more details). There were a couple of EAC specific kits (the Viper and Pegasus), a ... [Read More]

    Ancient scrolls of wisdom... (2016-06-30)
    February/March 1996 cover of the Max-Q newsletter (Click to enlarge). When time permits - which is not that often these days - I have been digitizing copies of the old HARA newsletter, Max-Q. Now ... [Read More]

    The old way of communication... (2020-07-19)
    Ever wonder how rocketeers exchanged news, tips, launch information, plans and so forth before the rise of the Internet? We did it through newsletters sent through the U.S. mail. It was slow by ... [Read More]

    An awesome present! (2020-10-27)
    Today's mail consisted of the usual junk ads and bills, with one exception - a large envelope with Ed Mitton's return address in Colorado. Ed has been in rocketry as long as I, and he was a NAR ... [Read More]