Estes - Space Exploration Kit

The Estes Ricochet kit reworked as a rocket for the Boy Scouts working on the Space Exploration merit badge.

Decals: Self-Stick
Diameter: 0.98 inches
Fin Material: Balsa
Length: 22.00 inches
Main Body Tube: BT-50
Main Nose Cone: PNC‐20A
Manufacturer: Estes
Model: 1710
Motor Size: 18 millimeters
Nose Cone Material: Plastic
Plan (JimZ):
Power: Low-Power
Product Type: Kit
Recommended Motors: A8-3, B6-4, C6-5
Recovery: Parachute
Related Products: Estes Ricochet
Status: Out-Of-Production
Weight: 1.20 ounces
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