Elipse 061310.mpeg

Video 1 of 68
Published:2010-06-15 11:49:02

Launch of Mike Borman's Giant Leap Elipse rocket powered by an Aerotech J350W motor and carrying an onboard Garmin GPS for tracking, Booster Vision Gearcam onboard video camera, and altimeter for deployment of the drogue chute at apogee, and the main chute at around 200 feet. More pictures and video can be seen on Mike Borman's website at www.mborman.org . The flight took place at Launch Crue's June 13, 2010 meeting/sport launch in Holland, Indiana. The altimeter reported that the rocket reached an altitude of 2571 feet. The rocket came very close to landing in a pond that can be seen at the end of the onboard video segment.

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