Eldred Pickett's Page
2009-11-21Estes Patriot Baby (Kit)  Review
( Contributed - by Eldred Pickett - 11/21/09)
Stage Bash of Estes Patriot Missle and Baby Bertha kits for 2009 EMRR Challenge.
For my Stage Bash I decided to use Estes Patriot and Baby Bertha kits. I called it “Patriotic,
Baby!”(Say it like ... [More]
2009-09-01Scratch Crayon Rocket (Scratch)  Review
Brief: I build Crayon rockets. Seriously. I get the big Crayon coin banks from Toys R Us, and turn them into high-power rockets. I have a 38mm, 54mm tube-fin, 38mm 2-stage, and 38mm cluster version. I also have a 54mm 3FNC version that's under repair. So that's the family. I had someone who ... [More]
Scratch 2-Stage EMRR Challenger (Scratch)  Review
( Contributed - by Eldred Pickett - 09/01/09)
For the EMRR Staging Challenge, I decided to build a two-stage rocket with composite motors. Since I had done a
2-stage before, I figured it would be easy. WRONG... I decided to do a 3-inch bird with dual deploy and a 19-inch
booster ... [More]
2009-08-01Semroc Magnum Sprint (Kit)  Review
( Contributed - by Elred Pickett - 08/01/09) I had previously built the Magnum Hornet, and this kit is a few inches longer. Like the Hornet, this is a
reproduction of an old Centuri kit that has slight changes from the original.
It has features that I assume come with most(all?) Semroc ... [More]
Semroc Magnum Hornet (Kit)  Review This was my first Semroc kit, so it was all new. It's a reproduction of an old Centuri kit with a few updates.
There is an exploded-view diagram so you can see how the pieces go together. It also serves as a parts list showing how many of each part should be there.
The parts were well ... [More]
2009-07-01Scratch Purple Crayon Rocket (Scratch)  Review Brief: There is a great source of cheap HPR kits that's probably close to your home. Where, you might ask? Toys R Us! I'm sure many of you are shaking your head thinking you never seen any rockets there, let alone HPR. Look in the younger kids' section. There are coin banks that look like big ... [More]
2004-09-01Descon 14 X-Factor (Kit)  Review X-Factor
Eldred Pickett's Descon-14 Entry
Parts List
1 - 18" by 6" 1/8 balsa
1 - BT-60 body tube
1 - BT-20 body tube
3 - regular engine clips
3 - BT-5 centering rings
I cut (3) 2 3/4 lengths of the BT-20 tube. These are the engine tubes. I used centering rings ... [More]
0000-00-00Descon Round Robin (Kit)  Review
Eldred Pickett's Descon-14 Entry
Parts List
1 BT-60 body tube
1 BT-60 nost cone
1 2-engine mount from FlisKits
sheet of 1/8" balsa
Ok, this was only the second design I've ever come up with. I wanted to do
something I had an idea for, just to see if ... [More]
Scratch Cone-glomeration (Scratch)  Review
( Contributed - by Eldred Pickett - 11/1/09)
I actually *forgot* about this contest, so I had to throw something together at the last minute. I decided to
build the third one in the list.
For the cones on the ship I ended up using 2 3.5" funnels. Stupid, I know...but it was all ... [More]
| Eldred Pickett |