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Rocketeer's Corner

Rocketeer's Corner Posts

Sport Rocketry / Contests / Egg Lofting

    Second time around... (2018-07-08)
    My 30+ year old competition rockets (Click to enlarge) During the first 25 years or so of model rocketry, the elite rocketeer was not one who had completed a level 3 ... [Read More]

    Oeuf and Ool (2019-06-22)
    As I mentioned in my previous post, I have started designing and building my rockets for this year's Geezer TARC. The first of these, Oeuf (french for "egg"), is an Alpha-like model based on the ... [Read More]

    How much power do you really need? (2019-09-10)
    The Geezer TARC flyoff is this weekend, and I am busy going over my final calculations before the event, making sure I have the proper descent rates with my chosen parachutes. I am also following a ... [Read More]