Rocketry Videos

By Don Longjuan

HV Arcas Flight 20190511 (2019-05-14)
The old reliable Aerotech HV Arcas made another successful flight on Saturday, May 11, 2019 at the Agate Skyways launch site. She went up on a G64-10 white lightning motor and the motor ejection ... [View]

HV Arcas Launch 20181208 (2018-12-16)
The 22+ year old Arcas would be flying for the first time on something other than a Blue Thunder motor. This time, It woud fly on a reload G64W-10 White Lightning, which gave a cool flame and smoke ... [View]

Plaster Blaster Remembered (2019-03-31)
From 2002 to 2013, Tripoli San Diego (TRASD) hosted a high power rocketry event called the Plaster Blaster. Their launch site was the BLM's Plaster City East Staging Area, where TRASD had a 25,000' ... [View]

Videos by Don Longjuan at YouTube