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Motors / Aerotech / I49
Disappearing Act: Prelude on an I49N

Taking off in slow motion is my minimum mass, minimum diameter 38mm scratch built Disappearing Act, loaded with an Aerotech I49 Warp Nine end-burner. It used a preliminary fincan that isn't designed to take the stresses of its eventual flight to be on an I1299. The tower rails are 4 feet long, and the rocket was moving at approximately 40 ft/s at the end. Like its name states, after burnout it simply disappeared until the tracker brought me directly to it. The video was taken with a GoPro HD Hero3 Black at 240fps, and slowed down to 1/8 speed. Unfortunately, the dramatic aliasing doesn't take kindly to Youtube's reencoding.

Author airplaniac2002
Duration 29 seconds

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