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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Destination Mars MAV Lander

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Destination Mars M.A.V. Lander {Kit} (7283)

    New Estes Kits & Release Dates (2019-10-13)
    On Facebook, Jesse Ulibarra posted pictures from the Estes booth at the Rocky Mountain Hobby Expo -  On the upper left - The Low Boom SST, to be released February 2020 On the right - the LEO ... [Read More]

    Estes New Kit Poster (2019-10-17)
    From TRF, CoModelBuilder showed a poster featuring the upcoming Estes kits: The Orange Bullet is small with tumble/featherweight recovery. Enlarge the picture and you can see the weights on ... [Read More]

    Estes M.A.V. #7283, Build Part 2, Interesting Things (2020-06-23)
    The shock cord is already installed! This is a different attachment - the low end goes through a slit in the body tube, then folded up along the outside. The launch lug strip is glued over the shock ... [Read More]

    Estes M.A.V. #7283, Build Part 3, More Interesting Things (2020-06-24)
    Continued from the last post: Here's the top of an engine sitting in the motor mount/fin can. Notice how it is centered, just inside the upper centering ring hole. The ejection charge would clear ... [Read More]

    Estes M.A.V. #7283, Build Part 4, Fin Can (2020-06-25)
    The instructions show tube type plastic cement. I used brush-on liquid cement. The fin can halves were pressed together dry. The internal joints were brushed with the liquid cement while holding the ... [Read More]

    Estes M.A.V. #7283, Build Part 5, Stickers! (2020-06-26)
    GOTCHA: The instruction shows but doesn't say it - You've got to place the launch lug strip somewhere between two fins . The illustration shows the launch lug strip set between two fins, but this is ... [Read More]

    Estes M.A.V. #7283, Build Part 6, More Stickers! (2020-06-27)
    The hatch stickers are clear, fingerprints will show if you touch the back sticky side. Hold and position the stickers with the tip of your knife blade. Before placing the sticker on the knife, wipe ... [Read More]

    Estes M.A.V. #7283, Finished (2020-06-28)
    For a "Beginner" kit, this one has a lot of interesting features. Lots of detail and enough assembly for a beginner to have a good feeling of accomplishment. I installed the pre-assembled ... [Read More]