Der Red Mix FAIL - Flip MinoHD survives high-power rocket crash to tell the tale

Video 1 of 725
Published:2010-08-19 00:27:02

I flew this scratch-built, high-power, cluster rocket for the first time on 8/14/10. This was supposed to ground start a Cesaroni K500 Red, wait 1 second, then air-start 2xI345 White Thunder motors. I made three mistakes in the setup which resulted in the air-starts not firing and neither altimeter ejecting the main parachute at apogee. The motor ejection kicks ~75 feet above the ground saving all but the main airframe/fins. I'm a lucky dude. Props to Flip for making such a rugged camera with great HD image quality! The music in the second half is Gypsy by Steve Angello.

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