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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Der Red Max

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Der Red Max {Kit} (651) [2007-]

    Model Rocket Building: Old Red Max Clone (2012-01-17)
    This was the first model I built when I got back into Rocketry, a clone of the Estes Der Red Max. Estes was a few years away from the re-release. I did a little research online then ordered parts ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Refinishing the Red Max Part 2 Epoxy Fillets (2012-02-21)
    A 1/4" diameter dowel was picked to even out the epoxy fillets. It was marked with a wide tip Sharpie pen to transfer the width lines onto the fillet area. This idea comes from Crazy Jim's tutorial ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Refinishing the Red Max Part 1 Future Clear Coat Test (2012-02-26)
    This was the first clone I did when I got back into the hobby. While the balsa grain was filled pretty well, I didn't fill the body tube seams. The finish is rough and pebbled. Another kit could be ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Refinishing the Red Max Part 2 Epoxy Fillets (2012-02-28)
    A 1/4" diameter dowel was picked to even out the epoxy fillets. It was marked with a wide tip Sharpie pen to transfer the width lines onto the fillet area. This idea comes from Crazy Jim's tutorial ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Refinishing the Red Max Part 3 Epoxy and Masking (2012-02-29)
    Some 220 grit sandpaper was wrapped around a dowel and the dried epoxy fillet lightly sanded. This wasn't needed on each fillet, two fillets had minor high spots. Again, be careful not to sand into ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Refinishing the Red Max Part 4 Primer Sanding (2012-03-01)
    Shooting the directed primer without masking wasn't a great success. I ended up with just more to sand off. The body tube was still sealed from the first time I painted it. The primer was sprayed ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Refinishing the Red Max Part 5 Truing Up the Decals (2012-03-02)
    After all the primer was sanded, the model got an overall white undercoat. The Red Max isn't a hard model to paint, the body is an overall red, the nose cone is black. Nothing much to write about ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Refinishing the Red Max Finished (2012-03-02)
    The old "Orange Max on the left - The same model refinished on the right. I used the Red Max decals from a new Estes kit. You've got to guess a bit on the decal placement. The instructions don't ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Der Red Max, "Vely Eenteresting!" (2016-07-17)
    Looking at the new instructions for the Red Max, something is missing - your German skull guide. In the late 1960s, Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In was a hit on TV. Arte Johnson played a continuing part ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 1, Parts (2016-07-18)
    Sometimes it's a nice break to build a 3FNC rocket. The Red Max fits the bill with great tacky decals. Parts were good overall, except for the parachute. I was expecting the special print "Skull and ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 2, Engine Mount (2016-07-19)
    After applying some CA glue to the inside top and bottom of the engine mount tube, the tube edges got some CA, too. The edges will be squared off with some 400 grit on a sanding block. Before ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 3, Engine Hook Retension (2016-07-20)
    I won't be able to use the Mylar retention ring with the Q-tip tube on the other side. I'll use black electrical tape. I prefer doing 1 1/2 wraps of tape with two wraps over the engine hook. Start ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 4, Fins Prep (2016-07-21)
    The balsa density is really hard! I would think - the harder the wood, the harder it is for the laser to cut through it. The top cut was burnt and wide. The cut didn't go all the way through to the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 5, Nose Cone and Fin Marking (2016-07-22)
    One of the nose cones had "scars" on it. It looks like some plastic flash was cut off at the factory. It looked worse than it was and sanded smooth with 220 grit sandpaper. 400 Grit was used before ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 6, Launch Lugs and Primer (2016-07-23)
    The launch lugs are short, shorter than I remember. After they were lightly tacked down and the glue dried, a rod was used to make sure they were in line. TIP: When gluing lugs and fins try using ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 7, Undercoats and Wet Sanding (2016-07-24)
    TIP: The fin positioning line is carried under the back edge of the body tube. With the fin positioned onto the body tube, the line would be completely covered. With the line continued over the back ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 8, Paint and Decals (2016-07-25)
    The great thing about the Red Max is there's no masking. The body is red, the nose cone is black. You could just leave the nose cone as is, it's molded in black. I sand down the seams and fill the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Part 9, Touch-Up Paint - Tip (2016-07-26)
    I didn't get an opaque red on the trailing edge of one fin. The decals were already placed when I noticed it. Not wanting to mask and re-shoot red paint, I did an unnoticeable touch-up. A small ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Finished (2016-07-27)
    If anybody was bored by this 3FNC build - too bad! Once in a while I like building something simple. Simple with lots of goofy decals, and a classic to boot! I understand some Red Max kits don't ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Background (2016-07-28)
    The Red Max first showed up in the 1971 Citation Catalog. To see it, CLICK HERE The Citation line were boxed kits meant for sales in department store shelves. Bagged kits were more suited for hobby ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Build, Here Kitty, Kitty! (2016-07-29)
    What the Hello? If I have two of the same kit, I'll build both at the same time. Sometimes the two identical models will get a different decor. These Hello Kitty decals were offered by Excelsior, ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Red Max Hello Kitty Version Finished (2016-07-30)
    These Hello Kitty decals take the Red Max decor down a softer path. Excelsior Rocketry made these, I've probably had them for two years. The Iron Cross and "kills" decals are smaller in area when ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Red Max Families (2016-12-21)
    Here's all three of the Red Max models. On the left is the standard BT-60 based original. Next to it is the BT-50 based Mini Max. Laying on its side is a BT-5 carded Red Max. It was drawn up by Bob ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Carded Red Max Build, Part 1, Parts (2017-05-22)
    I've seen a few pictures of "Rocket Families" on the forums. The Red Max is a favorite with the Estes Mini Max (BT-50 based), standard Red Max (BT-60 based) and Mega Red Max. Well, how about a ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: My Rocket Anniversary (2015-07-20)
    July 5 was the anniversary of the first time I ever went out to launch a few model rockets, with Chad , David, Lee, and a few other people. On that day, we just flew a few of Chad's rockets. We had ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Picking Your First Model Rocket (2015-11-02)
    If you are a total n00b to rocketry, wondering What's a good model rocket for an absolute beginner? then welcome, and this post is for you. First of all, I want to stress that these are just some ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: When Launches Don't Go As Planned - An Example of Post-Flight Analysis (2016-01-11)
    If you build your rockets well and prepare them carefully for launch, most of your flights will go well. Sometimes, however, you will have flights which do not go as planned. Any number of things can ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Where to Buy Model Rockets and Rocket Supplies (2022-04-07)
      Someone on the Facebook group Estes Model Rockets posed a question recently: Other than Amazon, where is everyone buying Estes rockets? I don't have a good hobby store near me. I see ... [Read More]