Dennis Wright's PageAKA: My Gypsy Location: New Harmony, IN Certification Level: L1 NAR Club Memberships: NAR 98975 Favorite Rockets: Too many to list - Love the classics but really dig the latest tech Biography: Just another BAR.
Club Home Page: Pages:
2017-01-08Galaxy Patrol Flight Great little rocket on a modest motor. Perfect boost, deployment and recovery. The streamer is sized just right to allow the fin can to come down horizontally. One of Hoss' favorite rockets now. - B4-4 - Holland, IN [More]
Power Patrol Flight Great flight. Excellent boost. Chute popped immediately even though it was very cold (about 25° F) and at times seemed to just hang in the air with no descent. Very little drift despite the slow descent. - B6-4 - Holland, IN [More]
Hoss' Dink Flight Nice, straight boost. Chute did not inflate (too cold). Landed 30 feet from the pad. - 1/2A3-4T - Holland, IN [More]
Initiator  Flight Nice boost. Arced slightly to the east but the drifted back to the pad. Chute release was set at 300 feet. Altimeter3 shows that it released at 254 feet and stabilized at 228 feet.
Altimeter3 Data:
Max altitude 1678 ft Date 1/8/2017 2:44 PM Mode Rocket ... [More]
Mini Max Flight Perfect flight. Close recovery. - 1/2A3-4T - Holland, IN [More]
Wildchild_2_White/Yellow  Flight Great boost, nearly straight up. Delay seemed long. Descent started out great with the JLCR set at 200 feet. Unfortunately, I must have accidentally shut it off or failed to turn it on. I made four attempts to wrap the chute in a manner that allowed the bundle to slide in ... [More]
2016-12-28Wildchild_1_Black  Flight This was my first time using the Alt3 and a Chute Release that I just received for Christmas.
The F40 was slow off of the pad but was very loud and boosted with a lot of authority. Max velocity was 183 mph.
The CR was set for 400 feet and performed flawlessly. Alt3 data detected an ... [More]
2016-12-22Galaxy Patrol Flight Maiden flight for this little beast. Much like the Venture, this thing ripped off the pad and just kept climbing. Can't wait to try a B6 in it. - B4-4 - Home [More]
Power Patrol Flight Delay was too long, but resulted in a short walk to retrieve it. Best to stick with the 4 second delay. - B6-6 - Home [More]
Mini Max Flight Perfect, low flight to test the winds today. Landed about 30 feet from the pad. - 1/2A3-4T - Home [More]
| Dennis Wright |