David Wallace's Page
Location: Melbourne Australia
Favorite Rockets: Exo-Skell
RocketReviews.com Pages:

Flew fast and straight off the rod to a good height then became unstable in the wind. A couple of small loops and the ejection charge nicely cooked the main tube cheezels but did not blow it apart. Broke into a few pieces on the ground. Hilarious and biodegradeable (yes I did ... [More]

The usual weathercocking in the strong wind saw it fly almost horizontal after gaining a bit of altitude. Both chutes deployed just in time (give me a C6-1 please) to allow the alien in his pod and the body to arrive back safely. Have I said before this is my favourite? Yes of ... [More]
Brought out of a 10 year retirement. Fluffed and re-packed the chutes, shoved in a C6-3 and pressed the big red button. Weathercocked as usual so that both parts chuted down close by. The alien pod landed neatly on its tripod. Still my favourite rocket :-) - c6-3 - ... [More]