Darryn Maloney's PageRocketReviews.com Pages:
2011-07-29black Airplane Flight Had a chute malfunction that cause the plane to dive into the next doors gutter system. All pieces have been recovered an attempt will be made to put it back together. - B6-4 - Backyard Launch Site [More]
black Airplane Flight Had a chute malfunction that cause the plane to dive into the next doors gutter system. All pieces have been recovered an attempt will be made to put it back together. - B6-4 - Backyard Launch Site [More]
Viper-IV Flight It ended with the rocket doing an impression of a lawn jart. Hard to believe a 43 inch rocket can stick straight into the ground. That ends the 5 flight life of this rocket. Pieces will find there way into the next scratch built rocket. - D12-5 sec - Backyard Launch Site [More]
Viper-IV Flight IY ended with the rocket doing an impression of a lawn jart. Hard to believe a 43 inch rocket can stick straight into the ground. That ends the 5 flight life of this rocket. Pieces will find there way into the next scratch built rocket. - 2 d12-5 - Backyard Launch Site [More]
Lil Grunt Flight 2nd great fliht with this rocket. Perfect chute right at apogee. Pleasure to fly. - D12-5 sec - Backyard Launch Site [More]
Lil Grunt Flight 2nd great fliht with this rocket. Perfect chute right at apogee. Pleasure to fly. - D12-5 sec - Backyard Launch Site [More]
2011-07-02Quest Lil' Grunt Rocksim Design  [More]
| Darryn Maloney |