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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Odd'l Rockets / Kits / Cutaway Engine

    Cutaway Engine Background (2018-10-29)
    Here's the Cutaway Engine I remember, it was there in the 1970 Estes catalog but I never ordered one. Here's a picture of that Cutaway Engine I found on Ebay. Pretty rough, it even has band saw ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Rockets Cutaway Engine Build, Part 1, Parts (2018-10-30)
    Here's what the PDF looks like. It prints out on 65 lb. card stock. You'll also need a 6 1/2" long piece of BT-60. Tools: Sharp knife, wood glue, glue stick, straight edge, butter knife with no ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Rockets Cutaway Engine Build, Part 2, Pre-Fold Embossing (2018-10-30)
    Cut the 6 1/2" long BT-60 tube in half, lengthwise. Smooth the cut edges with a sanding block with 220 grit. The dashed lines are embossed with a dull butter knife and straight edge. Pick a butter ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Rockets Cutaway Engine Build, Part 3, Rounding Over End Folds (2018-10-31)
    The end cap on the left has been folded. Fold the triangles under with your fingers first. The triangle corners can be rounded a bit more by rolling over the corners with the burnisher. Round out ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Rockets Cutaway Engine Build, Part 4, Gluing It Together (2018-10-31)
    Test fit the end caps without glue to get an idea how they fit the curved ends. Spread a thin coat of wood glue around the tube end and slide the end cap from the inside towards the outside edge. ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Rockets Cutaway Engine Build, Part 5, Labels & Finished (2018-11-01)
    The labels are optional, they are set above the cutaway model to show their position. Use a pencil tip or sharpened dowel to hold down the labels when applying the glue stick. Here's the finished ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Cutaway Motor On Display (2018-11-29)
    From Richard Holmes Rich's Rockets Blog: "Today was the Saturday before Thanksgiving, which meant Walt’s HobbyTown’s Secret Santa Sale and Open House, which meant Syracuse Rocket Club on ... [Read More]