Rocketry Videos

By Craig Klimczak

2018 01 14 Mike IIb ESL234 CTI J145 (2018-01-19)
Mike IIb On-board Video flown at MDRA Eastern Shore Launch 234 on January 14, 2018. This video was taken with a Mobius Action Camera mounted in the avionics bay using the LiquidFyre mounting system ... [View]

2018 01 14 MDRA Christmas Tree Launch (2018-01-19)
Ground based video of Craig Klimczak's Spruce Launch Assist Module (SLAM). This tree was flown at MDRA Eastern Shore Lunch 234 in Price, MD. The tree achieved greater horizontal distance than ... [View]

60’ Rocketman Parachute Test at MDRA (2018-02-18)
Tom Cohen flew a new 60’ Rocketman Parachute on his 190 pound Red and White rocket at ESL 235. [View]

Rocket Mike the Tiger II at Mid West High Power Rocket Launch (2012-11-04)
On November 3, 2012 in Princeton, IL, the rocket "Mike the Tiger II" flew at the Mid West High Power Rocket Launch event. Mike flew to 7,216 feet in altitude reaching speeds of 618 miles per hour. ... [View]

Videos by Craig Klimczak at YouTube