Components / Electronics / Parachute Releases / Jolly Logic Chute Release
Clusterduck 10-13-19 at MDRA

North Coast Rocketry Clusterduck on 7 composite engines! (6) Quest D16 and (1) Aerotech E15-7. Flight up was perfect, all 7 motors lit! Descent was a problem, it appears I forgot to attach the parachute quick link and the chute+JLCR descended by itself leaving the rocket to fend for itself. Moderate damage to the aft end resulted. I believe it is repairable, although its borderline! She has flown eight times previously, many documented here on You Tube. I hope this wasn't the last flight!

 Rocketry Product: Jolly Logic - Chute Release {Component}

Author jeff miller
Duration 102 seconds

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