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Sport Rocketry / Motors and Igniters / Motors / Estes / C11

     Rocketry Product: Estes - C11 Single-Use Motor {Motor}

    Rocketeer's Corner: Testing a bit of the past (2017-11-30)
    There are very few three stage rocket kits nowadays (the Estes Comanche 3 being the best well known), and those that do exist use the 24 mm Estes C11 or D12 motors in the first stage booster. This ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes C11 and E9 Engines Discontinued? (2018-03-10)
    On Y.O.R.F. a question was raised about the availabilty of the Estes C11 and E9 engines. Bob Sanford answered: "Yes, the C11 and E9 motor series are being/have been discontinued. For that reason I ... [Read More]