If you can't find a body tube for your latest rocket design, you may need to construct one yourself.
The online resources listed below will help you create a rocket bodytube from scratch.
Airframe Body Tube
https://www.jamesyawn.net/modelrocket/bodytubes/index.htmlJimmy Yawn describes how to craft a body tube from posterboard and spray glue.
Anyone rolling their own paper tubes?
https://www.rocketryforum.com/threads/anyone-rolling-their-own-paper-tubes.161565/An online discussion of how to make your own paper body tubes for model rockets.
How to Roll Your Own Body Tubes
https://www.apogeerockets.com/education/downloads/Newsletter330.pdfTim Van Milligan describes how to make paper body tubes and transitions.
Make Your Own Kraft Paper Tubes
https://www.instructables.com/id/Make-your-own-Kraft-Paper-Tubes/This article describes creating model rocket body tubes and couplers from kraft paper.