Bob's Level 3 Nike Smoke Rocket

Video 1 of 725
Published:2010-05-01 20:46:50

Bob Dickenson's Tripoli Level 3 certification flight. His Nike Smoke was launched on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. This was my favorite flight of the weekend. Not the biggest rocket, not the highest flyer, but a perfectly executed Level 3 certification flight. Congrats Bob from your friends at Napas! Flight Stats Rocket: Polecat Aerospace Nike Smoke Motor: Aerotech M2500 Blue Thunder Altitude: 4394 feet baro, 4549 feet accel. Max g: 9.13 Max Accel: 293.98 ft/s/s Max Velocity: 604.20 ft/sec

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