Bas Dickson Leach's Page Pages:
Estes Ventris (Kit)

Part of the Pro Series II line of 29mm mid power kits, the Ventris is a payloader with a larger diameter paylod bay and stylish curved fins. I liked the look of it and found the enlarged payload bay interesting and wanted to build one, received as a birthday present and waited less than a ... [More]
Der Shred Max - Mostly Done
Build Entry
Apologies for no photos. Life got a bit hectic and I've had to pack the rocket away for a bit. Paint is done but might give nosecone another try. Decals are on and I think they are ok. I tried to "Shred" the lower decals a bit, and while it looked ok on the paper it isn't really noticeable on the ... [More]
Der Shred Max - Most of the way there
Build Entry
Managed a couple of days doing bits and pieces. Ended up doing internal foam Gorilla glue to the motor mount/fin can assembly. This was followed by external expoy fillets. This should give enough strength to the fins and rigidity to avoid flutter destruction.
Kevlar from an upper centering ... [More]
Der Shred Max - Nosecone attachment
Build Entry
Nosecone attachment point has been created out of some epoxy and a small steel curtain hook.
First I cut the nosecone shoulder off and then scratched the inside of the tip of the nosecone. I tied the stock elastic to the curtain hook, not worried about heat damage as the elastic will be ... [More]
Der Shred Max - Step 2
Build Entry
Cut some fin slots and mounted the fins to the fin can, cut the slots to allow the fin can to be slid into the body tube. Looking at the spaces inside I have decided to do some nose cone adaptations based around my big daddy conversion, involving cutting off the shoulder and mounting an attachment ... [More]
Der Shred Max
This is a stock BT60 Der Red Max kit modified to take a 29mm MMT.
The other changes from stock all come from the requirements of mid/high power engines on the Estes kit.
Initial planned changes - Through the wall fins, Pro Series II motor retainer. Also looking at streamer recovery and ... [More]
Virgin Bride (Aerotech Mustang)
Well, not much to write as we all only saw the thing for under two seconds before we lost it in the clouds. Had six trackers out in the fields and we all lost it. Next time GPS tracker required. Left the pad faster than anything I have ever seen though. It will be rebuilt (or cloned) and flown ... [More]