Alex Rothchild's Pages:
2012-03-31Wildman Junior  Flight Succesful Level 2 Certification! Rocket jumped fast off the pad and broke the sound barrier. Located 2 hours later in the corn fields. - CTI J394 - Ash Grove, Lafayette, Indiana [More]
Wildman Junior Flight This is a great motor for this rocket. Disapeared into the low clouds. Landed about 300 yards from pad. Very straight flight! - I211 - Ash Grove, Lafayette, Indiana [More]
2012-02-18Wildman Junior  Flight Very fast boost with a long coast time-- recovered with about a quarter mile from the pad. - CTI I540 - Ash Grove, Lafayette, Indiana [More]
2012-01-07Wildman Junior Flight Fast and straight off the pad-- recovered about 100 yards from pad. Great motor for this rocket! - I211 - Ash Grove, Lafayette, Indiana [More]
2011-07-16Wildman Junior Flight Quick off the pad, first attempt at DD. Landed 20 feet from pad. - H242 - Amesbury MA [More]
2011-04-02Public Missiles (Orange) Patriot  Flight FAST off the pad! - H242-8 - Ash Grove, Lafayette, Indiana [More]
2010-07-16Public Missiles (Orange) Patriot  Flight Successful level one cert flight! Landed about 15 yards from the pad. Rough deployment, tangled chute from apogee until about 150 feet. Finally inflated for a soft landing. Slow boost off the pad. - H123-7 - Amesbury MA [More]
2005-11-05Aerotech 29mm RMS Motor (Motor)  Review This is a 29mm aluminum motor casing, for motors with 40-120 Newton Seconds total impulse (ranging from E to G). It is a bit pricey at $50 for the casing, but a G motor costs only $10-12 instead of $20 or more for a single use motor of the same total impulse.
The casing is only three pieces, a ... [More]
2005-08-02Estes Python-4 ASRAAM (Kit) Review
This is a low power, single stage military style rocket. It flies on B and C
power and uses a 1/8 inch lug. It includes a tail cone and uses a 12 inch chute
for recovery.
I received the kit as a gift when I was first getting into rocketry, so it
probably wasn't a ... [More]
2005-07-24LOC/Precision Forte' (Kit)  Review This LOC/ Precision Forte is a simple 3.1 inch kit. It has a 38mm motor mount, and can fly on anything from an F25-4 to a J350 with a lot epoxy and fiberglass. It does not have a payload section, and the fins go all the way to the motor mount (thank you LOC).
All the parts that came with this ... [More]
2005-06-27Scratch 18mm Spool Rocket (Scratch)  Review
( Contributed - by Alex Rothchild - 06/27/05)
It all started on my birthday in 2004. I received two Estes Fat Boys, and I
planned on building them as a two stage rocket, however, one of the body tubes
was completly ripped down the middle because the nose cone was shoved ... [More]
2005-04-29Estes Gemini DC (Kit)  Review
The Estes Gemini DC is dual parachute, lawn dart ready single stage rocket with
two side pods housing the chutes. It uses a 1/8 inch launch lug and has a
single 18mm motor mount. The Gemini DC has four swept back balsa fins.
The components used in this rocket ... [More]
2005-01-06Scratch USA Gymnastics (Scratch)  Review
( Contributed - by Alex Jordan - 01/06/05)
This is a single stage, scratch built rocket with six fins, 24mm motor mount,
and 3/16 launch lug. It can hold up to a F21-8. It is painted yellow, orange,
and black along with a big USA Gymnastics sticker on it since I built it for ... [More]
0000-00-00Estes Python-4 ASRAAM (Kit)  Review
The Estes Python-4 ASRAAM Model Rocket Kit is the last of the four new models I
had to build which were introduced recently by Estes. I have already completed
the other three and have been working diligently on this one. Actually we've
been building two of them; my son and I are ... [More]
LOC/Precision LOC-IV (Kit)  Review
- by Tom Bell Instructions:
The instructions were complete and easy to follow.
Although this is a large rocket, it was not difficult to build. The parts were
well manufactured and fit together without problems. This kit was my first
large rocket, and it is a good starter kit ... [More]
| Alex Rothchild |