Rocketry Videos

By Alex Moreno

High Power Rocket - CTI K260 - Moreno Cartel Rocket (2018-11-22)
Madcow 4" Black Brant launch at Tripoli's Eagle Eye Rocket Launch in Aguila, Arizona. Motor: CTI K260 Longburn | Apogee: 7493 feet | Top Speed: Mach 0.70 | Electronics: Missile Works RRC2+ Altimeter ... [View]

NAR HPR L3 Cert Build & Flight (2019-11-13)
Build and flight video of Super Sonic I for my NAR HPR L3 certification. Super Sonic I is the first iteration of two stage high altitude rockets. This build was the sustainer for Super Sonic I. ... [View]

Videos by Alex Moreno at YouTube