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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

Rocket Dungeon Posts

Sport Rocketry / Organizations / Regional and Local / Clubs / AeroPAC

     Rocketry Club: Association of Experimental Rocketry of the Pacific

    AeroPac's new virtual classroom - "bringing the playa to the Internet." (2010-09-13)
    As seen on Rocketry Planet: AeroPac's new virtual classroom is up and running http://www.ustream.tv/channel/aeropacs-show Just in time for the 12th annual ARLISS (arliss.org) launch (with over 40 M ... [Read More]

    Review: Twice Removed From Yesterday (2011-01-02)
    Twice Removed from Yesterday is a 4" diameter, 38mm rocket (as well as a song by Robin Trower). The main thing that is different about its construction (at least in my fleet) is the motor mount. The ... [Read More]

    Review: 'Scuse Me (While I Kiss the Sky)/Vlad the Impaler (2011-01-12)
    The 'Scuse Me started life as a minimum-diameter, 38 mm, all fiberglass rocket. It was a very simple, basic design and was very rugged and high performance. 'Scuse me, while I kiss the s ... [Read More]

    Amateur Rocketeers Reach For The Stars (2012-04-24)
    Found via Steve Jurvetson's Flickr photo blog . Evangelizing rocketry... It should run tomorrow at 7:30pm. But the HD video link went up today. [embedded below] My favorite part: the opening clip ... [Read More]

    Tripoli Offering Space-Flown Membership Cards (2012-05-01)
    The Tripoli Rocketry Association is offering a limited number of membership cards which were flown on Up Aeropace's SL6 launch from Spaceport America on April 5, 2012.  More details below. ... [Read More]

    Successful Carmack Prize 100k' AGL Flight (updated) (2012-09-14)
    Update: Someone correctly pointed out that the prize ain't won until John says its won. However, the fliers and launch organizers think that will be the case. Someone also pointed out that recovery ... [Read More]

    Sport Rocketry July/August 2013 (2013-07-19)
    Instead my normal list of articles, I'll just give a long list of cool stuff spotted in the magazine: The Nike Hercules on the cover; Steve Jurvetson's private collection of space ... [Read More]