Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Odd'l Rockets / Accessories / Adeptors

     Rocketry Product: Odd'l Rockets - Adeptor {Accessory}

    NEW Odd'l Rockets Products Available (2011-04-05)
      The CYCLONE Kits are now available!   If you've been following this blog, you should know this rocket well. It was designed by Jonathan W. Mills, PhD.   I can ... [Read More]

    DIY Launch Controller (2011-06-05)
    Did you ever want to build your own? After getting off the ground with my camera tripod launcher and Adeptor HERE I thought it'd be interesting to make my own (more professional look and feel) ... [Read More]

    Cleaning Up Post Launch Part 3 (2011-10-28)
    An Email from Andrew Ballard: Another way to keep things looking clean is a can of dry lube. Especially if you start when your parts are new. The idea is similar to using Pam cooking spray on pots ... [Read More]

    Port-A-Pads Through The Years (2014-06-23)
    I was curious about the design changes over the years and did some hunting on Ninfingers CLICK HERE Here's the first all plastic launcher from 1970, The Estes PORTA-PAD. We've all owned one of ... [Read More]

    Camera Tripod Launcher Tips (2015-04-30)
    In a recent blog post comment, Bob asked me to list some Camera Tripod Launcher TIPS. Since this centers around the use of an Odd'l Rockets Adeptor, the tips are posted on the Odd'l Rockets Blog ... [Read More]