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High-Power Experimental Rocket Launches

ThumbnailTitleAuthorAdded       Created    RatingDescription
Beater at Red Glare 9Syclone28982011-09-042010-10-29
Scott Tyrrell's "Beater" rocket flying to 3500' on an EX 38/480 moon burning motor. This was flight #84 on this rocket...
BGEXRS 06-JUN-2010Shturia2011-09-222010-06-11
BGEXRS - Bulgarian EXperimental Rocketry Society 06-JUL-2010 Kjustendil, Bulgaria
Chris Short O4000tbonerocketeer2012-02-112012-01-02
My Orange Crush rocket at LDRS 30 on an O4000 White Lightning. Motor was made by Burl FInkelstein and myself(mostly Burl) and flight was filmed by Rockets Magazine(www.libertylaunchsystems.com). ...
Crossed Fingers at Red Glare 9Syclone28982011-09-042010-10-29
Scott Ghiz's 5.5" diameter rocket "Crossed Fingers" flying an an EX 76/3600 motor to over 7000'.
Danish Rocket Launched 3 June 2011 - Part 2 of 3mjmrtnkk2011-06-032011-06-03
Hair Dryer Glitch Pushes Private Danish Rocket Launch to 2011
Derek Deville's Black Dragonjadebox2011-06-192008-03-01
Derek Deville's "Black Dragon" - a 26' tall, 375 lbs. rocket - is launched at the 2008 Florida Winternationals.
Gopro On Rocket To SpaceThomclarks2011-12-072011-10-11
Gopro Camera built into a rocket blasted into space. This video is an edit of a video posted by d3devil: www.youtube.com On September 30, 2011 at 11:08am, Derek Deville's Qu8k (pronounced "Quake") ...
I class Kn03 Sugar Rocketcrapsack10002011-05-312011-01-29
I call this the "Lost & Found" rocket. Scratch built 38mm diameter rocket. Motor hardware was Aerotech 38/360 casing with home made propellant of KnSU with IO. I went with streamer recovery ...
Izstrelitev V2.wmvAndre090919782011-05-292008-12-15
High power V2 rocket powered by 2-grain, 70mm motor (KN/Dextrose propellant).
Kn03 38mm H class Saucer rocketcrapsack10002011-05-312011-01-27
38mm KnSB homade propellant in an Aerotech 38/360 motor case.
Large High Powered Rocketempoweryou12011-07-042010-09-12
Scratch built 40 lb. rocket flying on an Aerotech L1420 Redline motor.
LDRS 31 - Son of GodzillaSyclone28982012-09-192012-07-29
Son of Godzilla flying on Friday afternoon at LDRS 31. This is the most power I've flown in this rocket - 1 core N3000 monolithic grain partial-finocyl with 15500 n/s, and 3 - 2800 n/s L1000 motors ...
MiniSShot Flight 4-25-2010mojaverockets2011-06-222010-04-26
First flight of the MiniSShot rocket in the Sugar Shot to Space project. Sound of motor CATO or break up at 1:03.
MiniSShot flight videos in Sugar Shot to Space project April 2010mojaverockets2011-09-222010-06-02
Three videos of the April 25 2010 MiniSShot flight in the Sugar Shot to Space program. First burn was successful but the aft motor casing split during the firing of the forward motor.
My 3" Rocket "Kryptonite" Flying on a Research L Moonburner.TheBayourat2012-01-112011-11-21
This is at the RocktoberSkies launch in Talladega, AL. Oct. 19, 2011
N800 Big Motoreater 080218TomB06672011-06-202009-08-18
My 7.5" Big Motoreater on a Research N800 boost only. There is no smoke grain. This motor is a D grain for the 98/15360 Aerotech case and burns for 17 seconds. Liftoff weight was 60 lb., of which 27 ...
Qu8k - MultiCam On-board Video - High Altitude Rocket Launchd3deville2011-12-072011-10-12
Showing the views from a FlipHD and a GoPro side by side you get a first hand view of what it is like to fly to 121000 feet. These cameras flew on September 30, 2011 at 11:08am on Derek Deville's ...
John Ritz's rocket at Red Glare 9 an an experimental "J200" moon burner.
Scott Tyrrell's Viper at Red Glare 9Syclone28982011-06-282010-10-28
Scott Tyrrell's Viper rocket on an EX M2500 pink motor for the 76/7600 hardware. I've been fine tuning this propellant for some time, and I think this version looks good. This 12' tall, 5.5" ...
Supersonic Carbon Fiber Rocketsaeroexperimental2011-06-302009-05-12
Two Carbon Fiber rockets are successfully flown and recovered on experimental solid fueled rocket motors. One is 1.5 inches in diameter and the other is 2.25 inches in diameter, both exceed the ...
Upscale Spy vs Spy rocket from ground at BALLS 17sflorig2011-07-132008-10-03
This is a collection of clips from the ground video of my upscale Spy vs Spy rocket flying at Balls 17 in Black Rock dry lake Nevada on two NASSA red L665 motors.
Viper - MDRA ESL 154Syclone28982011-08-162011-07-20
Scott Tyrrell's "Viper" rocket on a EX 6000 n/s M2000 Green motor of my making. MDRA ESL 154 launch on 3/20/2011.
1200 lb. thrust PVC Kno3/Sugar rocketsolidskateboards2011-05-292009-10-04
60 Pound Kno3/Sugar PVC engine 2 stage cluster and regular Kno3/Sugar Coyote Rocket flights.
Amateur Rocket REDOX 2006spacetronics2011-06-282007-10-10
Spectators view of the amateur rocket launch REDOX build by Bert Kimpe of the Vlaamse Raket Organisatie. This is a fiberglass epoxy rocket powered by a KNO3 sugar motor. Unfortunately the video ...
Copenhagen Suborbitals liftoff of HEAT-X1. Launch success.Floxflow2011-06-032011-06-03
Launch of HEAT X-1 rocket carrying Tycho Brahe spacecraft module, by Copenhagen Suborbitals on June 3, 2011, 16:32 hours UTC/GMT +1 hour Early intentional engine cutoff and height 2.6 km achieved. ...
CSXT First Civilian Rocket Launch to Spaced3deville2011-05-292007-05-15
Launched to 379900 feet (72 miles) on May 17, 2004 by the Civilian Space Exploration Team led by Ky Michaelson and Jerry Larson, and sponsored by GoFast Sports. The rocket was powered by a solid ...
First flight of 24mm E-eX sugar motorballtip2011-06-032008-08-09
Here is a short video showing the first flight of my homebuilt 24mm sugar motor. Rocket owner Simon does the count down and pushes the button.
HEAT-1X launch Copenhagen SuborbitalsKadowX2011-06-232011-06-03
The first successful launch of the HEAT-1X rocket with Tycho Brahe spacecraft! Show your support: www.copenhagensuborbitals.com
kno3/epoxy rocketairgunsniper2011-08-312008-01-03
This is a rocket using kno3/epoxy for fuel. The video is from the NEFAR site. Really good videos from that site
M class sugar rocket launchairgunsniper2011-05-292007-11-27
This is a video from jamesyawn.com and the NEFAR site showing the launch of a massive M class sugar rocket.
Ozone O-motor High Power Rocket Flight and Green Flame P-motor Static Firingd3deville2011-06-252010-09-23
Third flight of the Ozone on a home made O-motor (about 40000 N-sec) and a static firing of an experimental green flame propellant I was working on. This took place at the Tripoli South Florida ...
Qu8k Rocket Launch Highlights - On-board GoPro HD at 22+ miles above earthd3deville2011-12-072011-10-07
On September 30, 2011 at 11:08am, Derek Deville's Qu8k (pronounced "Quake") launched from the Black Rock Desert in Nevada to an altitude of 121000' before returning safely to earth. Above 99% of the ...
SM-2 Launch 3 July 2006rocketsarus2011-06-192006-10-13
Maiden flight of my 100% scale Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) High Power Rocket on a research O-7148 motor.
Sugar Motor Drag Race (CATO)jadebox2011-07-022008-03-03
Jimmy Yawn and Marc Slabbinck drag race two sugar-motor rockets at the NEFAR launch on February 9, 2008.
Awesome high power rocket with homemade motorrocketscience542011-06-282008-04-12
This is a high power rocket launch of my Bat outta Hell. It is the last flight of this rocket. It flew on a homemade 54mm motor. AP based. Check out the 2 other movies of results of this flight.
High Power Rocket flown in Nevada 4drdkccd2011-06-282007-01-02
This is a high power rocket flown in Nevada. This was at Aero-Pac's Aeronaut '05 using an EX motor.
MAKING & LAUNCH OF SEVERAL PVC KNO3 SUGAR ROCKETcaptainengine912012-02-072011-09-11
2011 BALLS XX Jeff Jakob R-10,000 hybrid and Don Burmingham 75mm rocketsmojaverockets2011-10-202011-10-05
2011-11-05 Boris Katandave92f12012-02-072011-11-07
3 by 7 at Red Glare 9Syclone28982011-07-022010-10-29
Scott Tyrrell's rocket "3 by 7" flying on an EX 24/200 pink motror at Red Glare 9. Good flight to 1400'.
Black Dahlia LaunchxxDRAGON64xx2011-12-312011-12-18
When I returned to rocketry in 2007 as a BAR(2.0), this was my first launch: a scratch built rocket, on a scratch launch pad, using homebrewed propellant... I would have it no other way.
Black Double Ds - Expediter and PhobosGuppiesGoneWild2011-05-292011-05-13
Experimental High power rocket launch.
Carbon Fiber Sparky 2.wmvTheBassman19642011-05-312010-03-21
Experimental rocket motor using a 54mm Kosdon 700ns case, two grains of experimental Titanium sponge APCP propellant
Dan Michael's More Lori's Gloryalgloer2012-06-292010-10-28
Dan's Pink Rocket on a M motor at Red Glare IX.
IARG Anicetus Launch 11JUN2011NorthernPlainsAero2011-07-312011-06-17
Launch of John's Anicetus sugar propellant powered high power rocket. Afternoon FAA Waiver was to 11500' MSL (10000' AGL), flight came in under waiver, recovery was beautiful, drogue and main ...
JJC 2006 - Prometeo rocketclubdoira2011-06-302009-10-22
Maiden flight of our Prometeo KNSB propellant based rocket.
KestreL Extfish382011-08-302010-12-27
Kit's tuberqquake2k2012-03-052012-02-05
Kit's tuber landing. LUNAR Launch, 02/04/12.
LDRS 29 NIKE SMOKE Flights: Sugar vs Aerotechmojaverockets2012-06-292010-06-18
Two flights at the 2010 LDRS-29 event. The first one was a sugar powered K-motor (estimated cost $8) and the second an Aerotech K-540 AP/Composite motor ($110). The three grain one inch core 75mm ...
LDRS 30 XXX - Scooty Puff, Sr. - Sugar Research Motortechnodog142011-09-162011-09-07
Max Gray unknownrocketkyle2012-09-192008-06-25
Max Gray shreds a rocket on a research motor at ST08.
Money Burner on a exp. M-2507700dhealy2011-06-042011-04-27
Money Burner is my Intimidator 5 rocket, it flew on a Dave Leininger experimental M-2507 Pitch Black sparky motor it went 8194 feet. I didn't follow the rocket on the way up as you will see. lol
Murphys Law on sugarTomB06672011-09-162010-07-12
Protege Itechnodog142011-08-312010-10-03
Quake - Qu8k - Dark Side Of The Moon - Us And ThemWeltanschauungMD2011-12-072011-10-23
My overdub of a video shot on Septermber 30th 2011. Re-edited on Oct 23rd 2011: "Derek Deville's Qu8k (pronounced "Quake") launched from the Black Rock Desert in Nevada to an altitude of 121000' ...
Saucer Rocket 38mm Kn03+Sorbitolcrapsack10002011-08-272011-01-14
Home made 5 sided "saucer" with KnSB-2 bates grains of propellant in a 38/360 case. Out of ignighters so I had to use a fuse. Would have gotten up to speed quicker with an e-match and head end ...
Someone else's M1297-powered rocketairplaniac20022011-12-312011-12-11
While I was trying to dig my (ruined) nosecone out of the ground, someone launched a much larger squat rocket than my own on an Aerotech M1297. Awesome.
SORTA at LDRSTRALevel32011-10-092011-09-07
Standard ARM at Red Glare 9Syclone28982011-09-042010-10-28
Scott Tyrrell's Standard ARM on a 38/660 "J600". This was the first time for me mixing a clone of Blue Thunder propellant using Copper Chromite. It came out a bit faster than I expected with a 0.7 ...
Standard ARM Flight 2 at Red Glare 9Syclone28982011-09-042010-10-29
Here is Scott Tyrrell's Standard ARM on a Fast Tiger Tail -Mg load for a 38/660 case that I made. 0.66 sec. burn lobbed the rocket to 2500'.
Todd H. - Outer Limits Red MotorDPatell2012-01-202012-01-16
Flight at MDRA ESL 164 in Price, MD. Deployed main chute at apogee, recovered next day.
Pueblo Launch June 2011

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