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All Videos by aaupton

Barbie rides the Wocket all the way down before the end of days (2011-08-30)
Flight Of the Redstone (2011-10-05)
Rippin' The Fins Off A Rocket (2011-06-23)

The Fins Shred off a 12 foot tall high power rocket flying on an N motor. It exceeds the fins ability to hold up. The fins waive at you, bend around and then fly off in real time as the rocket continues to thrust away.

Rump Aerospace's M to M flight to ~ 50,000 feet (2012-03-24)

Rump Aerospace takes a two stage 3" diameter rocket to almost 50,000 feet in the rich, colorful and exciting black rock desert. Feel the excitement, this video will put you right there, in the mix with all the science, fun, and emotion of the event.

Two Stage Rocket on Booster Vision (2011-05-29)

Clayton has a two stage rocket spin like a dryer on the first stage and then spin the other way on the second stage. Very good sound and great staging video.